Homecoming Week Wrap Up


Samantha Rossman, Staff

Let’s wrap this up, the week of Homecoming is always enjoyable, but what do people really think about this week full of Charger Pride? To kick off the week the PJ Day helped people stay asleep all through out the school day. Then a Varsity and JV Softball game against Cherry Creek, the lady chargers won both games! Then later that day the Fall Festival was a hit with clubs having games out and food trucks and music everyone danced to their hearts content.

Tuesday, Jersey Day, everyone dressed as their favorite sports team to show their pride. Wednesday people battled it out as VSCO girl vs. Frat boy Day. Thursday was Dorky Parent Day and people showed how embarrassing their parents really can be. The homecoming football game was amazing the Chargers won 42-10 against Brighton. Friday was Class Color Day and everyone showed how proud they were to come to Chatfield.

Finally the day of the homecoming dance and everyone is super excited. Streamers go up and so do the aliens, the theme is Area 51, how will anyone manage to get in with such high security? Homecoming 2019 was a huge success with games in the gym and awesome music playing in the commons. The DJ stayed an extra 30 mins to make sure everyone got enough dancing in. The dance ended with the traditional Sweet Caroline and everyone joined in. Everyone enjoyed the dance and seemed to be having fun, homecoming week was a success once again. Way to keep the pride rolling Chargers!