Starting this week and until Chatfield runs out of clubs each week, Chatfield will be highlighting a club! Our first club is Bagging for Homelessness, started by JJ Heupel and is new to Chatfield this year. Their first meeting was on Thursday, November 5th, 2020, at 12-12:30 and featured in the next Charger Report. They have teamed up with a partner company called Bagging Homelessness, a non-profit organization whose mission is to “provide care packages for homeless people/ families” who don’t have the privileges that many of us do. The club is focused on the fundraising and packing of the care packages themselves and then possibly handing them out. The club is also still taking members; there is a sign-up sheet on their website along with their contact information. The club is non-commitment and will also help with volunteering time and a chance for lettering as well. They also have an Instagram page for more information as well as @cshforbagginghomelessness.