Welcome to our New Chatfield Staff of 2023!

Ms. Sara Daniel is a new math teacher here at Chatfield. She first started teaching because of her love for helping people and chose the math domain because she found it to be the hardest for students to grasp. Her people skills paired with her knowledge of math made becoming a math teacher a no brainer. Ms. Daniel originally went to school to become an Engineer, but found that she would rather work with people and decided to make a career out of teaching. Before Chatfield, she had plenty of experience as a teacher, working most notably at Eagle Crest high school, schools in Houston, and even teaching in northern Africa in the country of Tanzania. While in Tanzania, she learned a small amount of Swahili in order to teach her students more effectively, which just shows her dedication to her craft. She had ideas of joining the Peace Corps in Africa before her mother convinced her otherwise just because she couldn’t go two years without seeing her daughter. Ms. Daniel notes that she has strong connections with all of her family, as she is looking forward to her sisters’ wedding later this year. Within Chatfield, Ms. Daniel finds many smiling faces, which she looks forward to seeing more of this year! She can’t wait to be a part of the Chatfield community and we can’t wait to see what she has for us! Welcome to Chatfield, Ms. Daniel.

Mrs. Hubbard is the new choir teacher here at Chatfield and thanks to Mr. Thanos is also the choir teacher at Deer Creek and Falcon Bluffs, without her those schools would have no choir at all. A quote that Mrs. Hubbard lives by Beethoven “To play without passion is inexcusable”. As a teacher she’s learned many lessons but most importantly approaching her students with kindness and putting the humans that they are first over the student. Over her 20 years of teaching at other schools she wants to tell Chatfield she is absolutely thrilled to be here and wants to extend an invitation to anyone curious in taking choir. She loves the student spirit here at Chatfield and she says it never feels like a chore to be at work and instead brings her joy. Her biggest inspiration was her middle school choir teacher who taught her how to be passionate about music. Her parents are a great example in her life as well. Through 50 years of marriage they showed her what true love looks like even after her mom passed last month.

Mrs. Wong is a math teacher in the Intermediate Algebra 1, Geometry, and Geometry in Construction department. She was born in the Philippeans. She used to live in San Jose, California and just moved to Colorado. She has taught math for 20+ years and was even an assistant principal. She was motivated to become a teacher when she was just a kid because she liked to set up events for her family and really enjoyed school. A fun fact about Mrs. Wong was that she was originally an English major, but later switched to math. Her key piece of advise this year is to find others who have similar interests as you and become closer with them. This year, she is most excited to be apart of the Charger community and she wants fit in where she needs. She is drawn to Chatfield because of the endless amounts of energy we express everyday and our positivity. We are super glad to have her!

Kylee Wurster is a new learning specialist and volleyball coach here at Chatfield–otherwise described as a weirdo that loves school! Wurster graduated from Colorado Christian University where she majored in Bio and minored in Chem, all while playing volleyball. She had the opportunity to coach volleyball collegiality but, decided against it in order to fulfill her hopes and dreams of skydiving off the moon. After all these adventures Wurster ended up here and couldn’t be more excited about representing CHARGER PRIDE, making an impact on students, and spreading her positivity. Wurster believes heavily in living in the moment and staying away from the ocean. Both things proving very important as ways she has accomplished so much. Wurster is so excited to continue her teaching career, meeting the chargers and being able to share her goofy side (if you can’t tell). We are happy to have you here Ms. Wurster or Coach DUBS!!

Mr. Lansing is an ASD social worker at Chatfield, as well as Falcon Bluffs Middle school. He became a social worker because he wants to open a private practice in the future and working here with us is the quickest way for him to get there, compared to other options like counseling. Before joining us at Chatfield, Mr. Lansing worked at Blue Heron Elementary. A fun fact about Mr. Lansing is his pets! He has 3 dogs, a cat, a hog named Dottie, 7 chickens, 2 ducks and a beehive! He and his girlfriend hope to eventually move to a small farm. When talking about advice, Mr. Lansing explained that as a teenager, he was living his life on autopilot and had a very narrow vision. He shared with us that “A lot of what you’re doing, as a teenager, directly influences the first part of your 20s. I don’t have any regrets, but I think I would have checked boxes faster, if I understood more of who I wanted to be and more of who I was”. If he could give specifically us students a piece of advice it would be “really take time to understand who you are…that way you have a better idea of what you’re capable of, and where you want to go”. We are really looking forward to having Mr. Lansing with us at Chatfield!

This is one of our wonderful new staff members, Keili Faber! She recently moved here from Southern Illinois and has never step foot in Colorado until fulling committing to live here! Her role here at Chatfield is a Social Worker, more specifically a mental help provider and also helps students with their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). She overall helps student thrive in the community and school environment. What made her want to take up this job was when she found herself at Jeffco’s table at a Social Work Conference and couldn’t resist how highly Principle Thanos spoke of Chatfield, the students, and the community. She also has helped individuals in the past with crisis intervention, therefore has background in the course. According to Mrs. Faber what makes her a good Social Worker is how she takes a systems approach to challenges. And not to mention how much she also loves Taylor Swift!! We can’t wait to see what this year holds and how many students will benefit from Mrs. Faber’s new contributions!

Introducing one of the new science teachers this year, Ms. Cable! She is teaching biology and chemistry. During her high school years she really enjoyed biology and AP biology, but when she went to college she got a degree in accounting. When she was helping tutor her father to get his GED, she rediscovered her passion for science. Ms. Cable then went back to school and got her degree in research and science. She wasn’t planning on being a teacher, but she was “recruited” into teaching. Ms. Cable previously taught at Denver South High School. She is excited to be a part of the charger community! Ms. Cable also served in the Navy for 10 years, so be sure to thank her for her service! And finally, if she could have any animal as a pet it would be a horse because she has always dreamt of having a horse.

Lets help welcome our new AP Chemistry teacher, Josh Lee! Mr.Lee has always had a strong love for science, and felt like science was “his thing”. He was always interested in animals and working with plants and the environment. After doing some work related to plants in Oregon he decided he was ready to try something new. He was considering going to veterinary school and while he was in the process of getting prerequisites for it, that’s when he learned a lot more about science and got inspired by it. From there he decided that since he was living near our school he would love to be able to work in our community. He said that since he has been here all of the students, admin, and other staff have been amazing. His hope as the AP Chemistry teacher is to leave students with more curiosity regarding science! Mr.Lee hopes to stick with teaching and hopes to turn AP Chemistry into a fun and intriguing class!

Meet the new Chatfield Dean, Jon Watson!
Some fun facts about Jon are that he is a Chatfield alumni and played for the CSH baseball and basketball teams. He later went on to play baseball in college and got to travel to around 15 different countries during a semester at sea! When he gets into his car, his favorite music to listen to is alternative pop music. Jon previously worked at Devlyn Junior Senior High School but is excited to be back to his roots at Chatfield as the Dean for students with last names M-Z. He is looking forward to wish week and all of homecoming week including the activities, games, and the dance. He wants the incoming freshman to know that they shouldnt be afraid to ask questions because they will help you in the future. Jon is super excited to be our Dean this year and to continue to be part of the Chatfield community!

Ms. Moss is the newest addition to Chatfields technology staff team. She originaly wrote television commercials, but she eventually decided she wanted to build a stronger society instead of monetizing it. Thats how she ended up being a technoligy specialist here at Chatfield! She originaly worked at Warren Tech before coming to Chatfield, and she wants to bring in the culture of coding and robotics to our school. Ms. Moss is a fan of the horror genre, and she loves singing and dancing. Her advice for students is that its not always about what you are learning, its about learning how to learn. She also says that life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating oneself. Ms. Moss is very exited to be working at Chatfield this year, and she can’t wait to learn and get to know the community.

Mr. Nestingen is a new teacher to Chatfield this year and teaches Biology to our Freshmen and Sophomores. Before he became a teacher here at Chatfield, he was a 4th grade teacher at Ute Meadows, so this is a big switch for him! But even before Ute Meadows, he and his wife owned a food truck together where they sold breakfast foods, tacos, carnitas, etc. He is “super excited about the opportunity to be here”, teaching high schoolers this year, who are more independent. He was motivated to become after coaching track in college and seeing those “aha” moments of kids understanding. This year his advice to students is be respectful, make others feel included and “take risks”.

Brynn Campbell is a new World Language teacher at Chatfield Senior High! She teaches Spanish 3, Spanish 1011/1012, and Spanish 2011/2012. She got into teaching 18 years ago, so she knows her stuff. She decided to start teaching Spanish because her mother’s side of the family speaks Spanish, and she wanted to connect with her family on a deeper level. Her family lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and she recently moved from there back to Colorful Colorado! She used to live in Aurora, and missed the beautiful scenery and unpredictable weather. She is super thankful for her family, because they have supported her while she was moving and while she was completing her PhD to become a doctor. She’s incredibly proud of working hard enough to earn her doctorate, but outside of school she loves to travel! She’s visited countless beautiful countries and states including Costa Rica, where she lived with a host family for a year. During her exchange program, she was able to travel with other kids from all over the world. Other Spanish speaking countries she’s visited include Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Spain, and Mexico. She’s so excited to continue her teaching career at Chatfield and is looking forward to meeting new students interested in learning Spanish!
Ms. Weaver is a new teacher at Chatfield!She is a learning specialist which means she helps those that need some extra help. She is here from wheat ridge high school. She wanted to become a teacher after she had kids and realized she wanted to work more with kids. A piece of advice from her to us is to get Involved and to ask for help if you need it, don’t be shy. Her quote she lives by is to leave the world a better place. Finally, a fun fact about her is she can replicate any recipe by just tasting it! Welcome to Chatfield Ms. Weaver!!

Hello. I am Xavier Hinkle, and I am a Senior here at Chatfield. This is my third year of the Newspaper and Broadcasting class. I started taking this class halfway through my sophomore year. I am excited to help lead all of the staff we have this year. I’ve loved making videos and streaming content for people to enjoy with me, both of which I do In my free time because I find them relaxing and fun. I have a passion for leading people in the right direction and helping the community. I like video games a lot and like working out to keep myself healthy along with going on hikes with my family. Thanks for reading!