Turning sixteen is one of the most exciting times in a high schoolers life. It’s the age of all of your favorite movie and tv characters and the age that a book’s protagonist sets out on life changing quests. The big “Sweet Sixteen” is an age that has been emphasized as an important milestone for hundreds of years, traditions even dating back to the Victorian Era. When I was younger, my sister and I would play pretend family games in which we would always pretend to be teenagers, specifically sixteen (this may or may not have been influenced by the ages of the mermaids in the tv show “H2O Just Add Water”).
While normal teenagers may not be exploring the ocean as mermaids or slaying a dragon to save the world, they get something that seems just as impactful: a drivers license. A drivers license grants freedom. Freedom to listen to whatever music you want as loud as you want and freedom to drive for hours going nowhere with your friends.
In the thrill it was to finally get my license and drive without the nagging of my parents in the front seat, what I remember from getting my license was how fun it was to see my friend’s cars and knowing that I was driving next to them. I began to recognize which cars people from school had and consequently started identifying them with their cars. It was then that my friends and I began to notice how people look like the cars that they drive. Obviously, if your car is a bright blue color, it doesn’t mean your face is a bright blue color, but people look the same as their cars in a way that just fits.
I’ve thought of an interactive way to prove my point. I’m going to line up a few of my classmates and you’re going to guess who drives this car by comparing how they look:
First, here’s your options:

Now, here’s your car:
If you guessed Alexis, you’re correct!
You can’t convince me that this isn’t the most perfect portrayal of how people look like the cars they drive. Alexis is a junior here at Chatfield and is also a member of the online media class. She drives a red 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan.
This is just one of many examples found here at Chatield Senior High School of people that look like the cars the drive.
What do you think? Does Alexis look like the car she drives? Or better yet, do YOU look like the car YOU drive?
Ian • Apr 9, 2024 at 2:06 PM
Really fun! A nice break from all the other informative articles, making me think more about my friends who will be getting cars soon, and how they will probably look like them!