Easily Accessible Clubs
A group photo of the Gaming Club during the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament. Courtesy of the Gaming Club Discord
October 9, 2019
In the past seven weeks of the 2019-2020 school year, many sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities have begun, with more still on the way. As great as this may be for those starting out the year with certain activities in mind, those who’re still looking may find a peculiar problem: the doors of opportunity for some clubs have been shut. Especially for sports, open-membership is something that can be problematic, and therefore, a roster of specified people must be had. In the case of those still vying for newer clubs to take a peek at, there are always a few that don’t require the same specifications.
A club recently in the spotlight has been the Gaming Club. The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament, hosted all the way back in the 19th of September, was an event that had an unexpectedly high turnout. While the event itself occurred on a Thursday, the regular Gaming Club meets every Wednesday in E202, excluding the first of every month (due to the staff meetings). Considering the popularity of the event, as well as the rumored creation of Chatfield’s own e sports team, there may also be more game-specific events in the future.

Another club not requiring membership is the Book Club. Taking place a few Thursdays of every month at 7:15 a.m. and ending at 7:50 a.m. in the library, the Book Club has more than just books to read aloud – there’s a community. People wishing to join the club will need to visit the information page under the Book Club tab in the Activities & Clubs page on the Chatfield website to learn what they’ll be wanting to read and discuss at the next meeting. The next meeting in particular, on the 17th, will be talking about “Nice Try, Jane Sinner” by Lianne Oelke.
On the subject of reading and writing, the Poetry Club has a similar intent to the Book Club; however, instead of books, the often much shorter writings of poetry are the subject of the day. Meetings take place on Thursday in A125 at 2:45 p.m., hosted by the honorable Mr. Brich.