Party Party’s On Our Side
A Guide to School Spirit
October 7, 2022
School spirit is a key component of “the highschool experience”. Without it, there is no unity or the feeling of a community; it is a way to connect people and to make us feel like we are a part of something bigger than just ourselves. School Spirit however might look different for everyone, it isn’t just screaming your heart out at football games or being excited about going to school because, let’s face it, school sporting events aren’t for everyone, and school is not everyone’s cup of tea. So what can School Spirit look like and how can you be a part of it?
- Go to a sporting event
Even if you don’t like to watch sports, the student section is a whole different ball game. The bigger the better. When everyone is together cheering for the same cause, there is just something so special and community-forming about it. (HERE is a link to the events calendar. Get a group together and go cheer on your Chargers!)
- Dress up for games and spirit weeks
Spirit weeks come only so often, so when they do roll around, they make school just that much better. With the mundane and repetitiveness that school may bring for some people, spirit weeks are only as good as the weakest “costume”. So when everyone dresses up and takes pride in the fun that spirit weeks bring, the community grows that much closer and bonds over the random and funny. HOMECOMING is coming fast! This means Spirit Week! Spirit days are Monday: Jersey day, Tuesday: Monochrome Day, Wednesday: PJ Day, Thursday: Disco Day, and Friday: class colors (freshmen gray, sophomores maroon, juniors white, seniors black)
- Join a club or a sport
Chatfield has so so many clubs and sports to offer, so find one you can be proud of and join a team that you can enjoy. The community in the hallways with your team mates or club members during the short five minute passing periods might just brighten your day. If there isn’t a club here that you want, approach a teacher to help you start it! Its so very likely that other people want the club and are too afraid to ask. And some might say they just have too much homework, to that i say create a study group that meets every week or takes a break from studying and does something fun every weekend with the intention of relaxing.
(HERE is a list of clubs and activities offered at Chatfield, if you don’t see an activity or club that you would like to see at Chatfield, do not hesitate to start one!)
- Support Fundraisers and Donate when you can
Chatfield takes great pride in our fundraising skills and efforts. During the 2021-22 school year Chatfield was one of the top Wish Week contributors. Keep it up Chargers! There are so many ways to help support Chatfield and all the different causes we stand for and stand with. Donating and being a part of the efforts shows a sense of pride, community, and enthusiasm with our school. Supporting causes through the school proves the confidence that Chargers have in their school and its ability to make an impact on the world around them.
Ways to support
- Mrs. Gunkel is always selling shirts and jerseys and brownies in or outside of her classroom (E111) with different causes behind them.
- Participate in Relay for Life and Wish Week
- You can also Order your gear online! As a plus, during the month of October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) you can shop certain designs to show your support for the fight against Breast Cancer.
- Participate in Charger Fridays
Charger friday is so so easy to participate in! All that it involves is wearing Chatfield gear on Fridays. Shirts, Sweats, Jerseys, whatever! If you’re stuck on where to buy Charger gear, Mrs. Gunkel has a closet’s worth of different gear that she sells, Target and Walgreens even sell Charger shirts and sweats, and if you know someone who went or goes to Chatfield, you can borrow from them!
Be proud to be a Charger! If you’re still not convinced, check out Chatfield’s Points of Pride to see what you can be proud of through your school. Despite what some might say, it is cool to dress up in a funny outfit and show pride in your school and get loud and excited when your team is winning. Might as well make the most of the short four years we get in this place. The senior class of 2020 would’ve given anything to be together and celebrate and get excited about our school; all they wanted was to be a part of what makes being a charger so great. Now that we are back to normal, don’t take for granted of these freedoms and liberties that Chatfield gives us. Enthusiasm is a fleeting quality in high schools. Chargers, let’s give Chatfield the reputation of Loudest/Best Student Section, Most Enthusiastic/Fun to Watch, and Most School Spirit: a.k.a. best students!
Let’s Go Chargers!
Carol Downs • Oct 7, 2022 at 11:59 PM
Great article Olivia! Makes me want to be back in high school. GO CHARGERS!♥️