Making a Wish Come True

Bailey Ott, Anchor/ Podcast co-Host

What is Wish week? 

Wish week is one of the many ways Chatfield decides to be proactive in the community. Wish week is a fundraiser event where Chatfield decides to represent a Make a Wish Child and raise money that will specifically go to that child’s wish. Make a Wish is a non-profit organization that grants critically ill children’s wishes. Make a Wish believes that their help encourages these children to believe, “that anything is possible and gives them the strength to fight harder against their illnesses.” (Make-A-Wish). The entirety of Make a Wish is incredibly devoted to these children which inspires Chatfield also to make steps towards helping those in need in the community. 


Who is our Wish week child? 

Our wish week child this year is Logan who is four years old and in need of a kidney transplant. His wish is to go to Disney land. Logan also loves the nuggets, rainbows, and his ABCs. Logan’s mom is also a Chatfield alum which means a lot to us as not only are we giving back to the community, but also giving back to a past Chatfield student. Logan will also be attending a lot of the events we host for wish week so please give it your all to participate during wish as we are doing it all for Logan and his cause! 


Why does Alliance think this is important for the school? 

Chatfields Alliance is in charge of Wish Week every year making this our 10th year anniversary for wish week and they put a lot of effort into making it very special for the child we are representing. I talked to Abbey Graham who is our senior class president and discussed with her why she believes Wish Week is important for Chatfield. Abbey then went on to say that this event, “Unites not only Chatfield, but the community around us and is a fun event that supports a very important cause.” Abbey also talked about how any extra money raised from the goal is then also donated to other kids in Make a Wish. Wish Week is a great way to be involved in the school and also raise money for Logan. 


Chatfield Students

Wish Week begins February 27th and goes through March 3rd with our Wish Week assembly ending the week on March 3rd and us getting to know how much money was raised. The Wish Week assembly is very fun just like all of our assemblies are but extra special since Logan will be at the Assembly. Please remember to participate in all the Spirit days and out-of-school events to show our Charger Pride!!