CSH Staff Beats Dakota Staff in Charity Basketball Game

The Tradition is Revived!

The traction continues and Chatfield came out on top in OVERTIME!!

Chatfield and Dakota Ridge’s Key Clubs worked hard to bring back a tradition that started in 2001. This charity basketball game that is played between the staff from both schools was played this year at Chatfield. The cost was $5 or a stuffed animal that was donated to The Action Center which serves the people of not only Jeffco, but the metropolitan area. The game had not been played since 2018 due mostly to the restrictions that COVID-19 put on all of the world. Chatfield Key Club members were determined to bring back this fund raiser game no matter what it took. Their efforts brought in $2115.00 and lots and lots of stuffed animals. This was a successful night to say the least!

Students from both schools packed into CSH’s gym, all wearing light blue. The theme was chosen to honor Dakota Ridge’s Senior, Brady Hoos, who died unexpectedly on Friday, March 31st. One of Jake’s friends and baseball teammates described him as “goofy and his smile would light up any room he walked into.” “I’ve just been praying that we all just stop taking life for granted and live life to the fullest like Brady did” was also said at halftime by another one of the baseball players. Chatfield was honored to take a moment of silence alongside of the Dakota Ridge students to remember their friend and classmate. Both sets of fans gathered together after the game to take a picture together which shows the support that our two schools have for each other.

The fans were loud and super full of Charger Spirit throughout the entire game! There cheers rang through the air and gave energy to the Chatfield Staff on the floor (literally diving for balls and sliding through the chairs and into walls). It was amazing to see older, more seasoned staff playing alongside of new staff. Many of Chatfield’s players were Charger athletes and graduates and their talents were a welcomed presence on the court.

Coach Gunkel came out on fire second half and scored 14 points. Coach Fabian and Coach Lackowski each scored 9 points. The efforts of the entire team made it possible tie the game at the end of the 4th period even after being down by 14 at halftime. They rallied and in overtime, out played Dakota Ridge and won the game 46 to 44. It was a close game and the Chargers walked away with the WIN!

They are already plotting out how to be more prepared for next year’s game that will be held in Dakota’s gym. In the meantime, if you want to donate to this great organization, you can go to this link and donate online. We appreciate you helping our community and we hope you can make it to next year’s game!

2023 CSH Staff Roster

#10 Deahdra Fischer, Math Teacher

#11 Coach Dominic Douglass, History Teacher

#12 Chris Morroni, Math Teacher

#13 Coach Kyle Windover, PARA

#14 Kristin Kottcamp, English Teacher

#15 Coach Collin Scheppelman

#20 Coach Mark Fabian, PE Teacher

#21 Brigitta Games, Security

#22 Coach Lucas Gunkel, PE Teacher

#23 Coach Jordan Lackowski

#24 Coach Jeff Mages (has been on the CSH team every year)

#25 John Thanos, Principal

#30 Mike Yansak, Math Teacher

#32 Nick Taylor, Counselor


Check out this video of theĀ Player Introductions!

Here is a video that was on Instagram Live that shows the last 21 minutes of the game culminating in a Spirit Tunnel made by the Charger Fans!