Travel: The Desire Within

Travel: The Desire Within

Samantha Rossman, Head Writer and Editor

Traveling has different meanings and levels of importance for each person. Not only does travel allow people to experience new cultures and become aware of other cultures, but travel also allows people to develop and grow as an individual. The history, climate, food, art, architecture, and many more things can be absorbed when traveling abroad. Leaving the comfort and security of home is a big step for some people. This step can lead them to a staircase of future experiences that will never be forgotten.

People make sacrifices to do things that they want to do; traveling is one of those things. Traveling, especially abroad, can be very pricey. Not many people can afford to get up and leave for another country. People might have to work more hours, save money, or even give up hobbies to travel if they want it that bad. The thing about traveling is that not only is it a new experience, but it is also a way to learn more about who you are and who you want to become.

To me, a person who has not even left the USA, travel is a new idea and entirely unique. While I have traveled around the USA, it is not the same as traveling worldwide and seeing new places. Traveling this summer out of the country for the first time will be a unique experience and a way for me to find out a little more about who I am as a newly found adult. Not everyone looks at travel this way, but as a person who has been stuck at home their entire life, traveling is like a breath of fresh air for me. However, this lack of experience traveling outside of this country can lead to many fears and issues if I am not prepared.

This summer, I will be traveling around Europe; I will be going to Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, and Switzerland all in one summer. There will be so many different experiences and different cultures to learn about during this summer. I hope to learn more about other cultures to learn more about myself and what I want to do with my life. Even though one of these trips have recently been canceled, I still plan to travel later on in my life and learn more about other peoples’ culture and learn more about the world. It is important for humans to travel at least a few times in their life; travel can build and shape people into better people as a whole and make their knowledge of other areas greater.  Travel can mean different things to everyone. Mrs. Gunkel, a Spanish teacher at Chatfield Senior High School and an avid traveler, says that travel to her means “leaving the stress of life behind and getting to see the beauty of the world and experience new cultures through other peoples’ foods, arts, and music. It makes the world smaller.” Travel can be anything from going outside of the city, state, or country; it doesn’t have to be far away to experience new cultures and learn more about the world from other peoples’ eyes.


*side note: Both of my special trips were canceled after writing this article due to COVID restrictions for large groups. Guess the 100 of us students will need to find another way to enjoy our summer.